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What to work on over the summer - part 4

Here is a list of skills and general fitness goals to be working towards over the summer in advance of the 2018/19 season beginning in September. Check out our youtube or ask directly if you aren't sure how to execute any of these drills.


* Leg/Hip Flexibility - both front splits and box splits

* Back Flexibility - bridge and ability to lift one leg up against your back

* Shoulder Flexibility - bridge and ability to reach with open shoulders


* Holding a full body, straight arm plank for at least 1 minute (aiming for 2 minutes) without losing good form

* Holding a wall squat at 90 degree angles for at least 1 minute (aiming for 2 minutes) without losing good form

* At least 10 full body press ups without losing good form

* Laying in an extended hollow body position and alternating straight leg holds for at least 1 minute, alternating leg every 8 beats of music. (Use music, everything is better with music.)

* Any other strength training you already know how to complete that will assist your development within the sport

* Free holding an extended, straight leg with pointed toes both in front, to the side and behind you. Work this on both legs.


* Regular repetitions of standing "bug" jump drills; grass hopper on each leg, tuck, frog and C-jump without the back arch.

* Regular repetitions of crouched "bug" jump drills (starting from a crouch, executing the drill, returning to a crouch); grass hopper on each leg, tuck frog, full twist jump and C-jump without the back arch.

* Regular repetitions of crouched full jump drills (starting from a crouch, executing the drill, returning to a crouch); hurdle on each leg, toe touch, pike and C-jump with back arch.

* Regular repetitions of standing full jump drills; hurdle on each leg, toe touch, pike, full twist jump and C-jump with back arch.

* Squat jumps to music for at least 1 minute with good form

* Plyo Press Ups (start at the bottom of a press up position near the ground, using your arm power explode your upper body up and off the floor, return to the starting position with control so you don't land flat on the ground)

* Kick Drills for jumps and kicks


* Practice learning very short sections of dance - 8 counts max to start with (from your favourite team/s or routines online) and work on picking it up more quickly the more you practice. Then work on performing it with great energy in your face and precise, clean movements in your body.

* Practice any and all jazz technique you already know specifically basic travelling footwork, turns, leaps and kicks. Make use of the internet if you need help with this.

* Practice cheer arm motions for great power, quickest pathways and accurate placement.

* If interested in Hip Hop try to expose yourself to various styles online and see what you can pick up. If you already know hiphop specific skills such as freezes, flairs, tutt etc - work on these.


All safe progressions and drills you can complete at home working towards the following skills with gorgeous technique;

* Handstands

* Headstands with various entries, leg positions once up and 'dismounts'

* Cartwheels and all creative variations you know

* Walkovers and all creative variations you know

* Standing BHS

* Standing BHS step out

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© 2019

 Reading Superstars: Cheerleading, Dance, Stunt and Tumble Champions of Berkshire, UK.


Training @ Reading Girls School, Northumberland Ave, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 7PY

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